Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

How To Lose Weight In a Week Naturally

How to Lose Weight, Have a healthy body is the dream of every person, but have less body fat and lean or abdominal fat, this is certainly not our desire. Moreover, if we are a woman, have body fat and lean not certainly not going to make our lives peaceful. Most women want a slim body, not body fat. when was gaining weight, surely they would be very confused and looking for ways to lose weight.

Losing weight is not as it does with increasing weight, over weight struggles and tips are not as good as the way to gain weight. What kind of tips on how to lose weight?

  1. The first way to lose weight is to exercise. If previously you also exercise regularly, then add exercise schedule is the way you should do first. if your previous exercise 30 minutes, now added into 45 minutes or 1 hour in each day
  2. Avoid carbonated drinks / soft drinks - carbonated drinks are usually soft drinks that contain 250 calories all come from sugar. In addition, the soft drinks do not contain vitamins. Women who drink soda too often will be more likely to develop obesity, diabetes or osteoporosis.
  3. Avoid fast food - Fast food is loaded with calories mostly have fat content. In fact, one serving of fast food, especially junk food types that contain the entire amount of calories we need in one day. Do not eat fast food and you will lose weight in a week's time.
  4. Reduce Portion Eating - Of course very difficult for you to reduce the size of the meal. Therefore, you can only set aside a half servings of food from the plate. if before you eat 1 plate full, you should be able to reduce it berlahan of seper'empat half.
  5. Eat More Often - Eat five small meals a day will help your metabolism and help you lose weight. By eating smaller meals more often will make you not feel hungry so prevent hunger and the desire to overeat.
  6. Emphasis on eating fruits and vegetables - If you seriously want to lose weight in a week, one way to do besides increase in the above manner is the emphasis on eating fruits and vegetables.
  7. Drink Before Dinner - Did you drink water 5-10 minutes before a meal can reduce hunger? Drinking water before meals and you will be able to reduce the size of the meal. With an emphasis on drinking water can also help increase your metabolism.


Rabu, 12 Februari 2014


Rheumatism is a disease that can lead to danger because when it has reached the level of chronic arthritis can be one cause of paralysis in the limbs on the patient's body.

The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown to date, but thought to be triggered by a combination of factors, including genetic susceptibility, viral infection or hormonal changes. Women more likely to develop rheumatic disease than men. In women who have been affected by arthritis, pregnancy and breastfeeding may exacerbate the condition

Rheumatic disease or in medical language called rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic joint inflammation caused by an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorders occur when the immune system that serves as a defense against intruders such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, mistakenly attacks the body's own cells and tissues.

Rheumatism is often referred to as rheumatismos, rheumatism, rheumatism or arthritis that can simply be defined as a condition of joint damage due to the interrupted process of continuous improvement menuers in the joints.

That situation will get worse with the presence of fluid that is considered evil (mucus) that flows from the brain sndi and other structures in the body. Therefore, medical experts incorporate this disease in a group of diseases of the joints or rheumatology.