Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Causes and symptoms of Parkinson's

Parkinson .... when we talk I immediately thought of Parkinson's legendary boxer Mohammed Ali. Disisa his age he was found to be suffering from Parkinson's disease. So actually what Parkinson's disease and what causes it?.

Parkinson's disease is a chronic progressive neurologic disease, which causes the inability to get worse and more disturbing for the long term. This condition is primarily characterized by impaired motor symptoms such as resting tremor, muscle strength, changes in body priest, and the difficulty or slowing of movement. Parkinson's disease is also called an old disease.

The cause of Parkinson's disease:

1. Until now the cause of Parkinson's is not known with certainty. In individuals who have lost more than 80 supply of dopamine (particularly in the production of the substantia nigra) are likely to show symptoms of parkinsonism, given that dopamine is an important substance in the process of sending signals between nerve cells in the brain to control movement.

2. Some researchers proved, if since his youth accustomed to writing and reading, will reduce the risk of Parkinson's in his old age.

Signs and Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease:

Although Parkinson's disease at diagnosis is difficult because the symptoms are similar to the others, but these diseases have common symptoms include:

1. Resting tremor is uncontrollable shaking that usually occurs on the hands and feet.
2. Muscle rigidity is; limb rigidity.
3. Bradiknesia ie slow motion.
4. Impaired walking.
5. Changes in posture (balance disorder).

When the disease progresses, symptoms - symptoms usually increase and impact on the person's ability to work and function.

Many Parkinson's sufferers also suffer from disorders that meempengaruhi mind such as depression, dementia, confusion and agitas.

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Causes of Obesity

Some of the causes of obesity in children is:

- Genetic Factors
Is the hereditary factors of parents are difficult to avoid. When the father or mother is overweight, this can be passed on to children.

- Fast food and snacks in containers
The rise of fast food restaurants is one factor. The kids mostly like fast food or fast food is even more children who will eat with gusto and add portions when eating fast food. Though these foods generally contain high fat and sugar that cause obesity. Parents often use the busy fast food is practically served to give to their children, although bad for the child's nutritional content. Fast food is delicious, but even though it has no nutrients for growth and development of children. That's why fast food is often referred to as junk food or junk food. In addition, children's favorite snacks in containers at or sweet foods to be things that are worth noting.

- Soft Drink
Just like fast food, soft drinks (soft drinks) proved to have a high sugar content so the weight will quickly add up if you consume this drink. A delicious and refreshing taste makes children very fond of this drink.

- Lack of physical activity
Childhood identical to the play. First, children's games are usually a physical game that requires kids running, jumping or other movement. However, it has been replaced with electronic games, computers, Internet, or television simply done by just sitting in front of it without having to move. This is what causes children exercise less, causing overweight.

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Preventing and Overcoming Hipertensi

To prevent high blood pressure for those who still have normal blood pressure or high blood pressure for those who already have high blood pressure, then the following practical suggestions you can do:

Reduce consumption of salt in your food. If you already suffer from high blood pressure you should avoid foods that contain salt.
Consumption of foods containing potassium, magnesium and calcium. Potassium, magnesium and calcium can reduce high blood pressure.
Reduce drinking alcoholic beverages or food. If you suffer from high blood pressure, should avoid excessive alcohol consumption. For men who suffer from hypertension, amount of alcohol is permitted a maximum of 30 ml of alcohol per day, while women 15 ml per day.
Regular exercise can reduce high blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure, choose a light exercise such as walking, cycling, running relaxed, and swimming. Do it for 30 to 45 minutes a day 3 times a week.
Eat vegetables and fruits are high in fiber such as green vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, and oranges.
Run anti-stress therapy to reduce stress and you are able to control your emotions.
Quitting smoking also contributes greatly to reduce high blood pressure or hypertension.
Take control of your cholesterol levels.
Take control of your diabetes.
Avoid drugs that can increase blood pressure. Consult your doctor if you are receiving treatment for certain diseases, to ask for drugs that do not increase blood pressure.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Prevent and Control Diabetes

Given the dangers and complications that can be caused by diabetes, then avoid or control high blood sugar is the best way. How do I? 

  • Lose weight. Fat in the body can absorb insulin. 
  • Avoid fatty foods, cured or fried. Instead, choose foods that are high in fiber and glucose complex.
  • Reduce sugary foods or high calorie containing much glucose. 
  • Drink plenty of water. 
  • Exercise regularly. 
  • Avoid stress. 
  • Avoid alcohol or soft drink. 
  • Avoid smoking. Diabetics who smoke are even more risky, because of their habit of damaging the heart and circulatory system, and the narrowing of blood vessels. A reference stating that 95 percent of diabetes-related amputations performed in smokers. Taking medicine that the doctor recommended to lower blood sugar levels. 
For patients with type 1 diabetes, insulin administration on a regular basis needs to be given through insulin therapy. 
Cure for diabetes did not exist, but by controlling the sugar in the blood, one can avoid the danger of this disease. Changing diet and lifestyle for the better and more healthy should be run. People who suspect that he was suffering from diabetes should see a doctor who has experience in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

Some Symptoms of Diabetes

Due to lack of insulin and has a high sugar content in blood, then some common symptoms for people with diabetes both type 1 and type 2. If you experience these symptoms, you should check to determine levels of blood sugar. In general, some of the symptoms that occur include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Often feel very thirsty
  • Often hungry because they do not get enough energy so the body's hunger signals
  • Losing weight suddenly though there was no attempt to lose weight. This is because when the body can not distribute the sugar into the cells, the body burns its own fat and protein for energy.
  • Often tingling in the feet or hands.
  • Experiencing problems such as itching or skin ulcers.
  • If injured, take longer to recover.
  • Behavioral changes such as irritability. The reason for type 1 diabetics often awakened at night to urinate that can not sleep well.
  • Easy to feel tired.

Although the symptoms had been able to show a person has diabetes, but the best way to ascertain whether you have diabetes or not is to perform checks. What can be done to find out if you have diabetes? Here are some alternatives you can do either in person or tests in the clinic.

Blood Tests
Usually done in the laboratory, which tested the blood during fasting and postprandial. Before performing the test, you must fast for 12 hours. Normal sugar levels during fasting is below 100 mg / dl. After that, blood sampling will be done again 2 hours after meals, when the results are above 140 mg / dL may mean you have diabetes.

Urine Tests
Urine or urine albumin levels checked, sugar and mikroalbuminurea determines whether a person suffering from this disease or not. This test is also performed in the laboratory or clinic.

This test can be done at home if you have the tools. The trick is to put a needle on a finger to take blood samples. Then the blood sample is placed into the gap that is available on the machine glukometer. The results are not very accurate, but can be used to monitor glucose for patients in order if there are indications of high sugar can immediately check in the laboratory and contact a doctor. Glukometer latest tool is designed so easy to use and does not cause pain when taking a blood sample.