Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Causes and symptoms of Parkinson's

Parkinson .... when we talk I immediately thought of Parkinson's legendary boxer Mohammed Ali. Disisa his age he was found to be suffering from Parkinson's disease. So actually what Parkinson's disease and what causes it?.

Parkinson's disease is a chronic progressive neurologic disease, which causes the inability to get worse and more disturbing for the long term. This condition is primarily characterized by impaired motor symptoms such as resting tremor, muscle strength, changes in body priest, and the difficulty or slowing of movement. Parkinson's disease is also called an old disease.

The cause of Parkinson's disease:

1. Until now the cause of Parkinson's is not known with certainty. In individuals who have lost more than 80 supply of dopamine (particularly in the production of the substantia nigra) are likely to show symptoms of parkinsonism, given that dopamine is an important substance in the process of sending signals between nerve cells in the brain to control movement.

2. Some researchers proved, if since his youth accustomed to writing and reading, will reduce the risk of Parkinson's in his old age.

Signs and Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease:

Although Parkinson's disease at diagnosis is difficult because the symptoms are similar to the others, but these diseases have common symptoms include:

1. Resting tremor is uncontrollable shaking that usually occurs on the hands and feet.
2. Muscle rigidity is; limb rigidity.
3. Bradiknesia ie slow motion.
4. Impaired walking.
5. Changes in posture (balance disorder).

When the disease progresses, symptoms - symptoms usually increase and impact on the person's ability to work and function.

Many Parkinson's sufferers also suffer from disorders that meempengaruhi mind such as depression, dementia, confusion and agitas.

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