Selasa, 29 November 2011

Diabetes Type 2

Type 2 diabetes often also called Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, or Diabetes Mellitus Insulin Without Relying on. In contrast to diabetest type 1, type 2 on the problem is not because the pancreas does not make insulin because the insulin is made but not enough. Most of the inhaled insulin produced by fat cells due to lifestyle and diet is not good. While the pancreas can not make enough insulin to overcome insulin deficiency so that blood sugar levels will rise.

Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes that most suffered. Approximately 90% to 95% of diabetics suffer from type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes most often affects adults over the age of 30 years and tends to get worse gradually.

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes
The cause of type 2 diabetes because of insulin produced by the pancreas is not sufficient to bind sugar in the blood due to diet or an unhealthy lifestyle. Some of the main causes of diabetes type 2 can be summarized as follows:
  • Heredity, if a parent or a sibling who experience it.
  • Diet or an unhealthy lifestyle. The number of fast-food outlets that serve fast food or fatty foods and unhealthy.
  • High cholesterol levels.
  • Rarely exercise.
  • Obesity or being overweight.
All causes of type 2 diabetes is generally due to an unhealthy lifestyle. This makes the metabolism in the body is not perfect that make insulin in the body can not function properly. The hormone insulin can be absorbed by the fats in the body. So diet and unhealthy living haya can make the body lacks insulin.

Senin, 28 November 2011

Causes of Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is often called Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, or Diabetes Mellitus Insulin Dependent on that. So type 1 diabetes associated with the inability of the pancreas to make insulin. So this type of diabetes associated with damage or impaired function of the pancreas produce insulin.

Patients with type 1 diabetes mostly occurs in people under the age of 30 years. That is why the disease is often called juvenile diabetes because sufferers are more prevalent in children and adolescents. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas can not produce enough insulin due to abnormalities of the body's immune system destroys cells that produce insulin or because of a viral infection so that the hormone insulin in the body decreases and the resulting pile of sugar in the bloodstream.

Causes of Type 1 Diabetes
In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas can not produce enough insulin. Due to lack of insulin causes the glucose stays in the bloodstream and can not be used as energy. Some causes of the pancreas can not produce enough insulin in people with type 1 diabetes, among others because:
  • Heredity or genetics. If one or both parents suffer from diabetes, then the child would be at risk of developing diabetes.
  • Autoimmunity is the body's allergic to one tissue or cell type itself-in this case, which exists in pancreas. The body loses its ability to form insulin because the immune system destroys cells that produce insulin.
  • Viruses or chemicals that cause damage to the islands of cells (cell groups) in the pancreas where insulin is made. More and more islands of damaged cells, the greater the likelihood of someone suffering from diabetes.
Because of the difficulty pancreas produces insulin, the insulin should be added every day. Generally by means of insulin injections. Is it possible with oral care? Can not, because insulin can be destroyed in the stomach when inserted through the mouth.

Another way is to improve the work function of the pancreas. If the pancreas can return to normal functioning, the pancreas can meet the needs of insulin the body needs.

Minggu, 27 November 2011

What is Diabetes ?

What is Diabetes

The full name diabetes is diabetes mellitus which means "sugar honey". The term "diabetes mellitus" comes from the Greek word which if translated means "to flow through the pipe by atmospheric pressure" and the Latin language which can be translated as "sweet as honey".

Understanding of Greek and Latin correctly describe diabetes. Because the water pass through the body of people with diabetes as if flows through the urinary tract from the mouth and straight out of the body. Diabetisi urine (diabetes) it was sweet because it contains sugar. First, one test for diabetes is to pour the urine into the patient near the ant nest. If the insects that swarmed the urine, it indicates the presence of sugar. That's why diabetes is often referred to as diabetes.

What is Diabetes?
Every food we eat is converted into energy by the body. In the stomach and intestines, food is broken down into several basic elements, including one type of sugar called glucose. If there is sugar, the pancreas produces insulin, which helps drain the sugar into body cells. Then, the sugar can be well absorbed in the body and burned to produce energy.

When a person has diabetes the pancreas that person can not produce enough insulin to absorb sugar obtained from food. That which causes blood sugar levels become high due to deposition of sugar from food that can not be absorbed properly and burned into energy. Another cause is a defect of insulin or the body can not use insulin properly.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, an organ next to the stomach. This hormone attaches itself to receptors that exist in the cell walls. Insulin receptors on duty to open the cell walls so that glucose enters the cell. Then the cells convert glucose into energy the body needs to perform the activity. In other words, insulin helps to channel glucose into cells to be converted into energy. If the amount of insulin is not enough, then the accumulation of sugar in the blood, causing diabetes.

The cause of diabetes or diabetes depending on the type of diabetes that affects. There are 2 types of diabetes are common and affects many people, such as diabetes type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The difference is that if type 1 diabetes due to pancreatic organ function can not produce insulin, whereas type 2 diabetes due to a lack of insulin because the pancreas is not able to function properly.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms of Diabetes
Diabetes is often called the silent killer because it has a vague symptoms. The best way to make sure everything is to do a blood sugar test.

But if you have the following symptoms, immediately consult a health care center or doctor:

1. Frequent urination and excessive thirst

Frequent waking at night to urinate can be symptoms of diabetes. In this condition, the kidneys work very actively to get rid of excess glucose in the blood.

Moderate excessive thirst is the body's response to fill fluid lost due to frequent urination. Both of these symptoms go hand in hand as the body's mechanisms to lower blood sugar levels.

2. Weight loss

High blood sugar levels can cause rapid weight loss, say 50-10 pounds for two or three months (but this is not a healthy weight loss).

Because the hormone insulin is not able to send glucose into cells for use as energy, the body begins to break down the protein from the muscles as an alternative energy source.

The kidneys also go the extra mile to remove excess sugar, and causes the loss of calories that can harm the kidneys.

3. hunger

Excessive hunger is another sign of diabetes. This occurs due to high sugar levels but can not enter the cells for use in metabolic processes.

When blood sugar levels can not enter the cells, the body thinks that food intake has not received a signal sent hungry to get more glucose to the cells to function.

4. skin Problems

Itchy skin, and dry, can be a sign of diabetes. Another example is acanthosis nigricans which is darkening of the skin around the neck or armpit.

People who have this condition has undergone a process of insulin resistance although their blood sugar may not be high.

5. Slow healing of wounds

Infections, wounds, and bruises that do not heal are a classic sign of diabetes. This happens because the veins and arteries damaged by the amount of excess glucose.

These conditions make it difficult to reach the blood of the injured body regions to facilitate the healing process.

6. Fungal infections

Diabetes will lower the immune system in general. The body becomes susceptible to various infections, including the most common infections such as yeast (candida).

Fungi and bacteria can multiply rapidly in an environment rich in sugar. Women, especially, need to be vigilant against Candida infections like vaginal discharge.

7. Fatigue and irritability

People who have high blood sugar levels, will generally feel unwell. Often awakened at night to urinate, will make the body is not refreshed the next day. Condition that makes people become tired and irritable.

8. Blurred vision

Blurred vision or flashes of light occasionally like to see is a direct result of high blood sugar levels. High glucose levels can change the shape of the lens and the eye.

The good news is these symptoms are reversible (can be back to normal) when blood sugar levels back to or near normal. However, uncontrolled sugar levels will cause permanent damage, even blindness.

9. Tingling or numbness

Tingling and numbness in hands and feet, along with a burning pain or swelling are signs that nerves are being damaged by diabetes. If left unchecked, this condition can lead to neuropathy (nerve damage) permanent.

10. The results of blood tests

Several test methods can be used to check for diabetes, but a single test result is never enough to diagnose diabetes (test must be repeated).

One test is a fasting plasma glucose test. Tests done to check blood sugar after a night (or eight hours) did not eat.

Blood glucose above 126 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dL) on two different tests would mean diabetes.

Normal blood glucose was 99 mg / dL. Blood sugar level of 100 to 125 mg / dL would be considered pre-diabetic

Sabtu, 26 November 2011


Coronary heart disease is one disease the leading cause of death in Indonesia. With increasing age, increasing, lavish lifestyle, and stress levels rise, the risk of getting coronary heart disease outbreak tinggi.Namun Thus, coronary heart disease can be prevented or treated. Medical science has identified many risk factors that we can change to avoid the disease.

Because of this, your heart to care and get to know many facts about coronary heart disease is. Thus, you can save your own life!

The heart is an organ that consists of strong muscles and pump blood that carries oxygen and food to the entire body bagianian. To be able to function properly, the heart needs enough blood to give him oxygen and adequate food, in order to support the daily activities like walking or eating. The heart has two main coronary arteries, which further branching.

Coronary Heart Disease
When narrowed or blocked coronary arteries, the blood supply to the heart is reduced, so that was not enough to meet the needs of the heart muscles. This condition is called coronary heart disease. The main cause of this disease is atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a condition in which fatty substance accumulate in the walls of the arteries and cause narrowing of the arteries, and if it continues, blocking blood flow. This usually occurs if we excess fat or cholesterol in our blood.

Jumat, 25 November 2011

BENEFITS Habbatussauda’ (black cumin)

Black Seed  Black Cumin

Drugs that are now circulating there that holds some side effects that harm the human body. Alternative medicine has no side effects with herbal remedies, one of which Black Seed ( Habbatussauda’ ) which has benefits :

Strengthens the immune system
Black Cumin (Black Seed) can increase the amount of a T cell, which is good to increase natural killer cells. Evektifitasnya up to 72% when compared with placebo only 7%. Thus mengkonsumsikan Black Seed 'can boost immunity. In 1993, Dr. Basil Ali and his colleagues from the Collge of Medicine at King Faisal University, published in the journal Pharmasetik Arabia. Efficacy of Seed extract G Reimuller recognized Professor, Director of the Institute of the University of Munich Immonologi, can boost the immune system and can be used as a bioregulator. Thus Black Seed can be used for a disease that attacks the immune system such as cancer and AIDS.

Improve memory, concentration and Precautions
With the content of linoleic acid (omega 6 and linoleic acid (Omega 3), Habbatusssauda is useful nutrients for brain cells to improve memory and intelligence, Black Seed also improve micro (blood circulation) to the brain and is suitable given the growth in childhood and the elderly.

Increasing hormone bioactivity
Hormones are substances produced by glands active endoktrin, that enter the bloodstream. Black Seed is one of the content of sterol synthesis and functioning hormone bioactivity.
Neutralize Toxins in the Body
Toxins can disrupt the metabolism and reduce the function of vital organs such as liver, lungs and brain. Symptoms of poisoning can be mild such as diarrhea, dizziness, respiratory problems and reduce the power of concentration. Black Seed contains saponins that can neutralize and clean the toxins in the body.

Overcoming Sleep disorders and Stress
Saponin contained in Black Seed has functions such as corticosteroids which may affect carbohydrate, protein and fat as well as affect the functioning of the heart, kidneys, muscles and nerves of the body. Sapion serves to defend themselves from environmental changes, sleep disturbances, and can relieve stress.

Anti Histamine
Histamine is a substance released by bodily tissues that give allergic reactions such as bronchial asthma. Black Seed Oil is made and can isolate ditymoquinone, this oil is often called volatile nigellone from nigella. Provision of these oils have a positive impact on people with bronchial asthma. Research conducted by Nirmal Chakravaty MD in 1993 from the crystal proves niggelone suppressive effect. These crystals can inhibit protemkinase C, a substance that triggers the release of histamine. Other studies prove something similar. This time conducted by Dr. Med. Peter Schleincher, immonologi expert from the University of Munich. It performs tests on the mederita 600vorang allergies. The result is quite convincing 70% of mederita allergic to, sebuk, acne, and asthma recovered after being given oil Nigella (Black Seed). In practice Dr. Seed Schleincher prescribe "to patients suffering from influenza.

Launched a Mother's Milk
The combination of unsaturated fat and hormonal structure contained in Black Seed oil can carry breast milk. The research was later published in the literature research at the University Potchestroom 1989.

Additional Nutrition In Pregnancy and Toddlers
During the child's growth requires nutrients to boost the immune system naturally, especially during the rainy season children will be susceptible to flu and colds. The content of Omega 3, 6, 9 contained in Black Seed is a nutrient that helps the development of infant and fetal brain tissue.

Nutrition for humans
Seed is rich in nutrition as an additional energy is ideal for the elderly, especially to keep the immune system and brain cells revitalitas not to go senile. Black Seed contains 15 kinds of amino acids making up the protein content including didalmnya nine essential amino acids. Amino acids can not be produced by the body in sufficient quantities is therefore required additional supplements, Seed can be inadequate.

At the International Congress of cancer in New Delhi, Black Seed oil is introduced Immonobiologi cancer scientist Laboratory of Southern California, Black Seed stimulates bone marrow and immune cells, inferonnya produce normal cells against the virus that damages at once destroys tumor cells and improve antibody

Improve the digestive tract and anti-bacterial
Black Seed contains essential oils and volatif the known benefits to improve digestion. Essential oils traditionally used to cure diarrhea. In 1992, Pakistan Pharmaceutical journal contains research results that prove the volatile oil is more potent killing strainbakteri V Colera and E. coli compared with antibiotics such as Ampicillin and Tetracillin.

Herbal Treatments For Diabetes

Herbal Treatments For Diabetes
Many people are turning to herbal remedies for treatment of disease. The reason for this is natural herbs have less side effects that traditional prescription medications. There is a vast variety of herbs for any medical conditions. Before attempting any type of herbal supplements, talk with your doctor. Some herbs may have interactions with medications that you may be on.

If you start a herbal treatment for diabetes, monitor your blood sugar levels frequently. There are many types of herbs for the treatment of diabetes. Some work better than others and what works for one person may not work for you. Do some research and talk to a holistic healer or shaman. This article will list some of the herbs used in the treatment of diabetes:

Bitter melon has long been used for the glucose lowering properties. This should be taken in small doses but, because larger doses can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Aloe Vera has been called a healing potion. It is known for it's ability to treat burns and cuts.But dried sap and gel taken from the inside of the leaf has been effective in treating diabetes.

Garlic and onions are best known for their cardiovascular benefits, but several studies have shown that they can be beneficial in lowering blood glucose levels. Garlic can increase the production of insulin in your body, which will lower the high glucose levels in your blood.

Asian ginseng is a traditional Chinese medicine. It has long been used in the treatment of diabetes. Asian ginseng may increase the release of insulin from the pancreas and increases insulin receptor function.

Gymnema is an Ayurvedic herb that has been shown to help the pancreas produce insulin. This has been beneficial in lowering blood sugar levels in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Stevia has long been used to lower blood glucose levels. These animal studies but have not had any human trials.

Cinnamon bark will make fat cells more accessible to insulin. It blocks the formation of harmful free radicals and increase the level of glucose for energy conversation.

These are just some of the herbs used to treat diabetes. You must remember, that just because you can buy over the counter does not mean that it is completely safe. People with kidney disease or liver disease are at high risk for complications. If you are on blood thinning medications should be aware that taking ginkgo, ginseng and garlic are at increased risk for bleeding.

Do not take extra doses of the herb to think that more is better. It can actually do more harm than good. Monitor your blood sugar often and keep your doctor about what you do. If you find the right herbs that work for you, your prescription drug for diabetes may be a thing of the past.

Kamis, 24 November 2011

Honey For Health Benefits

Honey For Health Benefits
Honey is the perceived benefit to you is busy with a solid routine and require extra energy. Honey as additional nutrients has long been recognized increase energy because honey contains fructose and glucose. The author himself was a feel for how effective honey to increase energy, so feel different when I eat honey and do not eat honey every day. 

Benefits of honey has long been known that athletes were using it. Antiquity ancient greek sports athletes use honey to increase stamina and endurance when following competencies. The result they followed the competition with more powerful and better results.

Glucose and fructose in honey is a source of energy. glucose and fructose is converted into glycogen which is stored in the liver and will be used by the body when the body needs extra energy. So the benefits of honey for energy increase is due toits content of glucose and fructose.

The immune system also will increase if we are diligent in taking this honey. Honey that we eat have anti-bacterial effect of external and internal, so the effect is to boost the immune system. Besides the benefits of honey can also help your body while it iscuring the disease.

Another benefit of honey is honey will improve brain function is. Try taking a spoonfulof honey before bed routine.

A study showed that the health benefits of honey to it will feel when you are stricken with influenza. Honey can both be natural Antivirus. Efficacy of flu drugs are sold freely on the market was undefeated with honey.

If you frequently experience problems of digestion, benefits of honey very much for you. Honey helps smooth digestion, you are advised to consume 2 teaspoons honey3 times a day to nourish your digestive organs.

Acne can also be reduced by applying 3 tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon ofcinnamon powder, apply on face before bed. in the morning and rinse with warmwater. Try to do a routine for 2 consecutive weeks, then the benefits of honey will taste with your acne reduction.

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Benefits of Water In Life

Benefits of Water In Life
All the living things on earth must menbutuhkan water. Water can be regarded as the source of life. Many of the benefits provided water for living things.
When you drink plenty of water clean and clear, then it will spur an increase in your health, where the researchers found that, increasingly many benefits to drinking water in sufficient quantities for good health, digestion and metabolism of a better
Drinking water in sufficient quantities to make good digestion and the metabolism can work at maximum capacity. In fact, recent research from the University of Utah states that water shortages can lead to decreased metabolism. The researchers now believe that liquid water, or rather can play an active role in reducing the risk of some diseases such as kidney stones, urinary tract cancer, bladder cancer, and colon cancer (colon). Drinking enough water can also prevent constipation.
By drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin supple and toned and reduce lines and wrinkles on the face. Counteracting fatigue due to travel. Hot air can cause you will cause dehydration and fatigue during and after 

the trip. Drink plenty of water before making the trip and one glass every hour of your trip.
While the main function water are:

1. Forming new cells, maintain and replace the cells that deer
2. Dissolve and bring nutrients, oxygen and hormones to cells throughout the body that requires
3. Dissolve and remove the waste and toxins from our bodies
4. Catalyst in the metabolism
5. Lubricant for the joints
6. Stabilize the body temperature
7. Reduce the impact of vital organs

By using enough water, especially drinking, your body will always be fresh and health is maintained.

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Benefits of Green Plants For Life

Benefits of Green Plants For Life
Plants are living beings with the core organs such as roots, stems and leaves. Green plants is a group of plants that have green pigment chlorophyll leaves or leaves that are also called chlorophyll.

Green plants are able to make their own food, with minerals from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air and light relief. This process is called photosynthesis. Actually that is not berhijau plant leaf also able to produce its own food through the leaves of dyes with different names and colors.

Of photosynthesis is not only useful for plants, but also beneficial for humans and animals. Plants not only produce glucose as an energy source, but also issued as a result fotosintesisnya oxygen. Oxygen is what is needed both by humans, animals and plants themselves to the process of respiration.

Green plants have a very large role for the survival of the organism and also the earth. Green plants in addition to being the first manufacturer to produce food for herbivores (plant eaters) and omnivores (eating everything), also has the ability to produce oxygen as a source of life of all creatures on earth.

Green plants can also be a solution the problems of climate (environmental crisis) that plagued the earth today, as the issue of global warming that exceeds the amount of carbon dioxide (greenhouse effect).

Be aware that the construction of housing, offices, malls and other buildings built on agricultural land and open green spaces are very harmful to humans if not matched by the greening efforts are adequate. Urban environments in particular, who are left barren without planting will greenery filled by air pollutants such as carbon dioxide. Though this substance which contributes greatly to global warming and erratic weather conditions.

Green plants have a function as the first manufacturer, with the help of solar energy or light energy into potential energy capable of any other living thing. It should be underlined that by increasing reforestation, the impact of air pollution by several pollutants such as carbon dioxide and some other pollutants can be reduced.

Some records may be obtained from the benefits of green plants, especially for humans is as follows.

Green plants act as lungs of the world. With chlorophyll-rich plants will produce oxygen gas which are vital to human survival. Especially for respiration (energy) and human respiratory.
Green plants to function as stabilizer environment. The existence of a green plant vegetation in an area will cause environmental air becomes cool, comfortable and fresh. Therefore reforestation should be encouraged.
Green plants are the producers of oxygen are the main factors of environmental or ecological creator influential for the existence of other living creatures.
Green plants is a natural counterweight. The presence of green plants, making new habitat for living things to live in the vicinity.
Green plants also serve as a shelter for the poor natural conditions such as high winds, scorching scorching sun, rain, dust and pollution. Green plants also serve as a shelter that protects living things on the bottom of the various conditions that are less friendly.
Green plants are a source of aesthetics or beauty.
Green plants is one of the health carers.
Green plants are also capable of being a means of recreation and environmental education.
Green plants can also support the economy with wood production as well as flowers and fruit.
For the mountains, green plants are able to protect from the threat of landslides. For urban greenery is one of the flood prevention.

Senin, 21 November 2011

Caring for Healthy Hair

Caring for Healthy Hair

Having healthy hair is the desire of every person. The following are several ways to treat hair:


In order for the hair and scalp hygiene maintained, at least try to clean the child's hair every other day. Instead, activities for children do not wash your hair too long. One or two minutes was enough. After that, rinse until clean. Hair hygiene can help to accelerate blood circulation to the scalp. The hair is clean also helps reduce stress and help the metabolic network in order to keep growing and developing normally. Lice were not given a chance to live. Fragrant hair, clean, and fresh.

Whereas in infants, shampooing can be done one or two times a week. Remember, the baby's hair is not too dirty, but do not spend a lot of sweat. Baby's hair is not as dense hair of adults. Once a week clean the scalp using baby oil and shampoo immediately.


It is recommended to buy a good quality shampoo that can remove the oil, the head scales, and make your child's hair became more limp, easily combed, and not easily tangled. There are many choices of shampoo for children. As for the baby, choose the active ingredients do not irritate the eyes and do not trigger allergies.

Cut hair regularly. In addition to keeping up appearances, short hair is also easier for parents to keep the hair clean. Cutting the hair is also useful to the ends of hair to remain healthy, not branched, brittle, or dry. Even for infants, parents can denude the child within a certain time. In addition to the baby's scalp hair and easy to clean, new hair will grow more dense and black.

4. Consumption of nutritious foods

Healthy hair requires a good nutritional intake. Lack of intake of protein and vitaminscan make hair fall out, dullness, redness, dandruff, and eventually fall out.Remember, vitamins and nutrients play a role in supporting the strength and health of hair. Vitamin B complex, for example, if the intake is less able to cause dull hair,dandruff is also flourishing. While vitamin C can maintain the strength of the hair roots. Remember the roots of the hair plays a role in overall hair health. Throughakarlah, all nutrients are absorbed and distributed to the hair. Lack of iron is also the risk of hair loss. Sulfur substances also play a role in giving luster to the hair. The content of these nutrients can be found in fish, eggs, and others. While fat plays a role in maintaining hair strength, in addition to hair luster.

Exercise is good for health. However, the activity is also potentially damage the hair.If the child's long hair, tie and flops over. Ensure that hair does not hinder movement and sight of children. The use of a headband or a headband can also be a solution.In addition to more stylish look, the hair of children was more awake. When using aheaddress or bandanna, choose one that quickly absorbs sweat so it does notaccumulate on the scalp. Remember, sweat dry deposition can damage the hair roots.

6. Stay away from SUNLIGHT

Sun can damage the hair. That is why, when traveling in the hot sun, try wearing a hat or umbrella. Keep your hair protected from the sun.


When swimming, wear a hair cover after wetting the hair entirely. Done swimming toremove chlorine wash hair that sticks to the hair. If possible wear without a rinseconditioner before you get into the pool.

8. BE CAREFUL when drying

Drying with a towel may be the cause of hair damage. Rubbing the wet hair with a towel to make strands of hair matted and easily entangled in the threads in thetowel, so that interested and easily broken, damaged the cuticle, and hair split ends.So, just pat wet hair with a towel, and then sorted according to the direction of hair growth. Indeed, this is rather time consuming, but worthwhile for the child's hair.

Keeping a result Radiation Computer Eye Health

Keeping a result Radiation Computer Eye Health

The signs of the effects of radiation are usually the eye is often a blur, eyes dazed,her head slightly dizzy, and even the most depressing is the sense of nausea for beginners who use the computer. Here's how to care for the eye to keep it in good health

1 Try installing a filter on your computer monitor. This filter serves to withstand radiation from reaching the eyes.

2. Choose a monitor that shaped LCD / plasma. because the monitor is believed to be better than the old model of the monitor. If you have enough money, can buy a nice VGA color monitor is not exhausting for the eyes.

3. Keep your eye distance with a computer monitor. ideal distance eye to a computer is 30 cm.

4. Place your monitor at eye level. not too low and not too high. try when you look at the computer feels nice and comfortable

5. Set the color on the monitor screen so pleasing to the eye. not too bright because it can cause your eyes to be dazzled. also not too dark, because it will cause your eyes work too hard to make the eyes become dry quickly.

6. Set the screen refresh rate to 75 HTZ .. way if you use Windows XP right click on desktop-properties-settings-advanced-monitor-see column screen refresh rate. set to 75 HTZ.

7. Blink the eye as often as possible. because we wink, will stimulate the tear glands to shed tears which serves to make the eyes become moist and humid. if you are rare wink, then the eye will be dry. if forced eye will continue to become ill and eventually flushed. if necessary you can buy eye drops to make the eyes are always wet.

8. You can buy the kind of glasses that you can use when using a computer.

9. Note the light around the room where you use a computer. room adequate supply of light. Do not use a computer in a dark room (not enough light).

10. Increase consumption of foods that menandung vitamin A as carrots. rajinlah also to check the eye to an ophthalmologist to detect disturbances in the eye mata.jika really have felt uncomfortable, do not be shy to use glasses.

11. After the use of computers in a long time, rest your eyes at least 15 minutes. You can see the view from the room to refresh the eyes. try to see objects such as trees and green leaf herb. because according to the researchers, the color green again able to make a fresh eye.

hopefully after you apply these tips can make your eyes more awake health. From now to care of your eyes. because this is a gift given to god .. imagine if you could no longer enjoy the beautiful natural

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Resonance Therapy Music

Resonance Therapy Music
To add insight into what fellow classical music influences on pregnant women and infants have some additional info that may be useful. Studies have shown Mozart's music:

1. Stimulate the right brain, enhance creative thinking

2. Reduce stress and pressure

3. Nurture the mind, body and your soul

4. Stabilize the heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature.

Mozart music can strengthen your memory faster 3 months in infants. Mozart can improve the ability to talk to the baby, sharpening the left brain development, to comfort her baby in the womb.

By enjoying soft music, it is expected the brain and the feeling of being relaxed and in turn affect the physical condition of the body. It is understandable when our brain is overloaded or stressed, badanpun ga taste delicious. With this music therapy, a sense of peace that enveloped the body and mind to bring positive effects to every body cell. Not to treat the disease kill directly, but rather anti-body and increases immunity and ability to fight disease could be higher.

Improve Brain Intelligence and Brain Memory

Improve Brain Intelligence and Brain Memory
Makes nutrients more Intelligent
The experts found people who are assigned the much choline, a natural amino acid, among others, contained in meat, yolk, has a brain to think smarter and faster. Low-fat diets make people not get sufficient choline. Once in a book by Jean Carper Food: Your Miracle Medicine.
Ways to strengthen the brain: choline can be obtained for example by eating egg yolks, meat, fish, and milk. But some experts suggest it in supplement form. Before taking any supplement, consult your physician first.

Containing Fat Breakfast
For example a donut, a new study shows, foods that contain less fat breakfast can improve memory. Researchers have studied a number of volunteers to fast overnight, then the next day told to eat a breakfast that contains fat, carbohydrates, and proteins. People who eat donuts gets high marks for  ability of the brain. The reason is, the brain treats fat as a fuel that can be directly accessed.
Ways to strengthen the brain: In the morning, we need the extra enhancement. Eating foods that contain less fat or eat bread smeared with cream cheese.

Bingo Games
Bingo (the game by matching numbers) uses a lot of concentration, pattern recognition and speed in dealing with tension. This is a skill that makes the brain stay sharp. The more play bingo, the brain will be more sharp. The bingo players are older age get better results on a number of mental tests compared with an age younger players.
Ways to strengthen the brain: Buy Bingo and invite your friends or family to play once a week.

Around 3 pm, we generally sleepy. Approximately eight hours after the wake, there is a decrease in body clock that can affect konitif abilities. The good news, according to James Maas, Ph.D., in the book Power Sleep, this can be overcome.The experts found that only 10-minute nap or meditation, can return performance of the brain to normal levels. Longer than that DAPT causes nervous.Less than that will not get these benefits.
Ways to strengthen the brain: If you are at home, we recommend to set an alarm clock 10 minutes. If you work, close your eyes. Imagine a tranquil landscape and relax only for 10 minutes.

Chewing Gum
The researchers found that subjects who chewed gum to get a higher score than 35% on memory tests that do not. The experts have not found, what made this gum effective. Allegedly, repetitive chewing the rubbery surface increases heart rate, sending more oxygen to the brain.
Ways to strengthen the brain: provide and chew gum whenever necessary.

You may have heard, to keep the brain sharp, we must practice it with things like the contents of crossword puzzles and reading. Now there is a better suggestion. Just by talking with friends can bring better results. The experts who examined 3617 people found a clear relationship between socialization and brain function.Participation of all ages hanging out the most impaired cognitive lowest were many many train the brain. Assumed by most people that talk does not require mental effort is actually false. A brain scan showed mild conversation activates special part of the brain that show great directing effort.
Ways to use your brain: Chat with friends over the phone or invite for dinner. This method can keep the brain young for a long time.

Fast Way
The experts asked subjects to walk fast for 15 minutes, 3 times a week. People who walk have increased to 15% of brain function. They are more capable of making connections, doing various tasks and ignore distractions. The studies also found, after aerobic exercise for 45 minutes, 3 times a week, mental performance increased to 25%. Exercise not only increases the growth of new nerve cells in the brain, also drain more blood and oxygen to the brain to make it more intelligent.
Ways to strengthen the brain: A study showed that people who are most likely to keep running on foot is also doing something fun at the same time: listening to music, chatting with children, or her with eye wash.

Get Tryptophan
Among other chemicals contained in turkey meat, it can keep the memories remain sharp research found, if the levels of tryptophan increase, subjects scored higher on tests and remembering the recognition test. The cause is tryptophan produces serotonin, a neurotransmitter that relieves stress. Studies show, hanyas just a little stress can disrupt memory.
Ways to strengthen the brain: Eat turkey for lunch. But do not overeat. More than 8 ounces generate enough tryptophan to make sleepy.

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Preventing Osteoporosis

Preventing Osteoporosis

How to prevent osteoporosis and increase bone density is one interesting topic for discussion.
This is due to a growing number of cases of osteoporosis that occurs, especially in women aged over 50 years.

Bone loss is most often occur in the spine, hip, and ribs.

Nearly a third of women and one sixth of the male is likely to experience a hip fracture in their lifetime, even 12-20% of cases can cause death.

Therefore, protect and strengthen bones is important to do especially for women.

Here are 7 tips on how to prevent osteoporosis naturally:

1. Calcium intake

Calcium supplements can slow the rate of bone loss of 30-50%. However, rather than from supplements, would be better if we could get natural calcium intake from food.

Therefore, be sure to eat cracked foods and beverages that contain calcium and take calcium supplements if necessary.

Including natural sources of calcium include asparagus, beans, almonds, whole grains, and fresh green beans. Salmon and sardines are excellent sources of calcium too.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D stimulates the absorption of calcium. Sunlight will help optimize the performance of vitamin D. Therefore, basking in the morning to get some sunshine is one of the things you can do to prevent osteoporosis.

Consult with your doctor about the possibility to take supplements of magnesium and boron can also be considered.

3. Avoid Cigarettes, Coffee, and Alcohol

To prevent osteoporosis means you should avoid coffee, cigarettes, and alcohol because all three have a negative impact bone health. Not only that, they also considered to increase the risk of osteoporosis.

4. Avoid Soft Drink

Especially the carbonated soft drink is one of the factors that contribute to bone loss.

Acid contained in a soda can remove a layer of tooth enamel and spent the deposits of calcium in the bones.

5. Sport

One of the easiest ways to prevent osteoporosis is to exercise regularly.

Doing regular exercise is good for strengthening bones. Some types of exercise that could be considered include aerobics, yoga, or weight training.

6. Greens

Green leafy vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining bone health, such as vitamin K1, calcium, and boron.

Therefore, the greens can be a good body armor against osteoporosis.

Some green vegetables can be consumed to prevent osteoporosis among which spinach, broccoli, kale, and mustard greens.

7. Green tea

Drinking green tea can prevent osteoporosis by maintaining bone density.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition showed that women aged 70-85 years who drink tea regularly have a more hip bone density than women who did not drink tea.