Kamis, 24 November 2011

Honey For Health Benefits

Honey For Health Benefits
Honey is the perceived benefit to you is busy with a solid routine and require extra energy. Honey as additional nutrients has long been recognized increase energy because honey contains fructose and glucose. The author himself was a feel for how effective honey to increase energy, so feel different when I eat honey and do not eat honey every day. 

Benefits of honey has long been known that athletes were using it. Antiquity ancient greek sports athletes use honey to increase stamina and endurance when following competencies. The result they followed the competition with more powerful and better results.

Glucose and fructose in honey is a source of energy. glucose and fructose is converted into glycogen which is stored in the liver and will be used by the body when the body needs extra energy. So the benefits of honey for energy increase is due toits content of glucose and fructose.

The immune system also will increase if we are diligent in taking this honey. Honey that we eat have anti-bacterial effect of external and internal, so the effect is to boost the immune system. Besides the benefits of honey can also help your body while it iscuring the disease.

Another benefit of honey is honey will improve brain function is. Try taking a spoonfulof honey before bed routine.

A study showed that the health benefits of honey to it will feel when you are stricken with influenza. Honey can both be natural Antivirus. Efficacy of flu drugs are sold freely on the market was undefeated with honey.

If you frequently experience problems of digestion, benefits of honey very much for you. Honey helps smooth digestion, you are advised to consume 2 teaspoons honey3 times a day to nourish your digestive organs.

Acne can also be reduced by applying 3 tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon ofcinnamon powder, apply on face before bed. in the morning and rinse with warmwater. Try to do a routine for 2 consecutive weeks, then the benefits of honey will taste with your acne reduction.

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