Minggu, 27 November 2011

Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms of Diabetes
Diabetes is often called the silent killer because it has a vague symptoms. The best way to make sure everything is to do a blood sugar test.

But if you have the following symptoms, immediately consult a health care center or doctor:

1. Frequent urination and excessive thirst

Frequent waking at night to urinate can be symptoms of diabetes. In this condition, the kidneys work very actively to get rid of excess glucose in the blood.

Moderate excessive thirst is the body's response to fill fluid lost due to frequent urination. Both of these symptoms go hand in hand as the body's mechanisms to lower blood sugar levels.

2. Weight loss

High blood sugar levels can cause rapid weight loss, say 50-10 pounds for two or three months (but this is not a healthy weight loss).

Because the hormone insulin is not able to send glucose into cells for use as energy, the body begins to break down the protein from the muscles as an alternative energy source.

The kidneys also go the extra mile to remove excess sugar, and causes the loss of calories that can harm the kidneys.

3. hunger

Excessive hunger is another sign of diabetes. This occurs due to high sugar levels but can not enter the cells for use in metabolic processes.

When blood sugar levels can not enter the cells, the body thinks that food intake has not received a signal sent hungry to get more glucose to the cells to function.

4. skin Problems

Itchy skin, and dry, can be a sign of diabetes. Another example is acanthosis nigricans which is darkening of the skin around the neck or armpit.

People who have this condition has undergone a process of insulin resistance although their blood sugar may not be high.

5. Slow healing of wounds

Infections, wounds, and bruises that do not heal are a classic sign of diabetes. This happens because the veins and arteries damaged by the amount of excess glucose.

These conditions make it difficult to reach the blood of the injured body regions to facilitate the healing process.

6. Fungal infections

Diabetes will lower the immune system in general. The body becomes susceptible to various infections, including the most common infections such as yeast (candida).

Fungi and bacteria can multiply rapidly in an environment rich in sugar. Women, especially, need to be vigilant against Candida infections like vaginal discharge.

7. Fatigue and irritability

People who have high blood sugar levels, will generally feel unwell. Often awakened at night to urinate, will make the body is not refreshed the next day. Condition that makes people become tired and irritable.

8. Blurred vision

Blurred vision or flashes of light occasionally like to see is a direct result of high blood sugar levels. High glucose levels can change the shape of the lens and the eye.

The good news is these symptoms are reversible (can be back to normal) when blood sugar levels back to or near normal. However, uncontrolled sugar levels will cause permanent damage, even blindness.

9. Tingling or numbness

Tingling and numbness in hands and feet, along with a burning pain or swelling are signs that nerves are being damaged by diabetes. If left unchecked, this condition can lead to neuropathy (nerve damage) permanent.

10. The results of blood tests

Several test methods can be used to check for diabetes, but a single test result is never enough to diagnose diabetes (test must be repeated).

One test is a fasting plasma glucose test. Tests done to check blood sugar after a night (or eight hours) did not eat.

Blood glucose above 126 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dL) on two different tests would mean diabetes.

Normal blood glucose was 99 mg / dL. Blood sugar level of 100 to 125 mg / dL would be considered pre-diabetic

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