Senin, 21 November 2011

Keeping a result Radiation Computer Eye Health

Keeping a result Radiation Computer Eye Health

The signs of the effects of radiation are usually the eye is often a blur, eyes dazed,her head slightly dizzy, and even the most depressing is the sense of nausea for beginners who use the computer. Here's how to care for the eye to keep it in good health

1 Try installing a filter on your computer monitor. This filter serves to withstand radiation from reaching the eyes.

2. Choose a monitor that shaped LCD / plasma. because the monitor is believed to be better than the old model of the monitor. If you have enough money, can buy a nice VGA color monitor is not exhausting for the eyes.

3. Keep your eye distance with a computer monitor. ideal distance eye to a computer is 30 cm.

4. Place your monitor at eye level. not too low and not too high. try when you look at the computer feels nice and comfortable

5. Set the color on the monitor screen so pleasing to the eye. not too bright because it can cause your eyes to be dazzled. also not too dark, because it will cause your eyes work too hard to make the eyes become dry quickly.

6. Set the screen refresh rate to 75 HTZ .. way if you use Windows XP right click on desktop-properties-settings-advanced-monitor-see column screen refresh rate. set to 75 HTZ.

7. Blink the eye as often as possible. because we wink, will stimulate the tear glands to shed tears which serves to make the eyes become moist and humid. if you are rare wink, then the eye will be dry. if forced eye will continue to become ill and eventually flushed. if necessary you can buy eye drops to make the eyes are always wet.

8. You can buy the kind of glasses that you can use when using a computer.

9. Note the light around the room where you use a computer. room adequate supply of light. Do not use a computer in a dark room (not enough light).

10. Increase consumption of foods that menandung vitamin A as carrots. rajinlah also to check the eye to an ophthalmologist to detect disturbances in the eye mata.jika really have felt uncomfortable, do not be shy to use glasses.

11. After the use of computers in a long time, rest your eyes at least 15 minutes. You can see the view from the room to refresh the eyes. try to see objects such as trees and green leaf herb. because according to the researchers, the color green again able to make a fresh eye.

hopefully after you apply these tips can make your eyes more awake health. From now to care of your eyes. because this is a gift given to god .. imagine if you could no longer enjoy the beautiful natural

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