Minggu, 20 November 2011

Resonance Therapy Music

Resonance Therapy Music
To add insight into what fellow classical music influences on pregnant women and infants have some additional info that may be useful. Studies have shown Mozart's music:

1. Stimulate the right brain, enhance creative thinking

2. Reduce stress and pressure

3. Nurture the mind, body and your soul

4. Stabilize the heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature.

Mozart music can strengthen your memory faster 3 months in infants. Mozart can improve the ability to talk to the baby, sharpening the left brain development, to comfort her baby in the womb.

By enjoying soft music, it is expected the brain and the feeling of being relaxed and in turn affect the physical condition of the body. It is understandable when our brain is overloaded or stressed, badanpun ga taste delicious. With this music therapy, a sense of peace that enveloped the body and mind to bring positive effects to every body cell. Not to treat the disease kill directly, but rather anti-body and increases immunity and ability to fight disease could be higher.

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