Sabtu, 26 November 2011


Coronary heart disease is one disease the leading cause of death in Indonesia. With increasing age, increasing, lavish lifestyle, and stress levels rise, the risk of getting coronary heart disease outbreak tinggi.Namun Thus, coronary heart disease can be prevented or treated. Medical science has identified many risk factors that we can change to avoid the disease.

Because of this, your heart to care and get to know many facts about coronary heart disease is. Thus, you can save your own life!

The heart is an organ that consists of strong muscles and pump blood that carries oxygen and food to the entire body bagianian. To be able to function properly, the heart needs enough blood to give him oxygen and adequate food, in order to support the daily activities like walking or eating. The heart has two main coronary arteries, which further branching.

Coronary Heart Disease
When narrowed or blocked coronary arteries, the blood supply to the heart is reduced, so that was not enough to meet the needs of the heart muscles. This condition is called coronary heart disease. The main cause of this disease is atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a condition in which fatty substance accumulate in the walls of the arteries and cause narrowing of the arteries, and if it continues, blocking blood flow. This usually occurs if we excess fat or cholesterol in our blood.

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